Berlin Troika
Film - Program 1 Filmfest 2015

Berlin Troika

Directed by Andrej Gontcharov


Director: Andrej Gontcharov
Section: Program 1
Country: Germany
Year: 2014
Language: German, English, Russian
Version: Original version with English subtitles
Cast: Matthew Burton, Dieter Wardetzky, Alexander Khuon, Sebastian Blomberg
18+ (no age rating)

Also in this program


Berlin Troika

During high level talks regarding a grave political crisis, the interpreter suffers a nervous breakdown. A young substitute is recruited to step in and interpret for the two conflicting superpower leaders who hold the fate of humanity in their hands - an absurd responsibility, which, by extension, rests on the interpreter. He must balance the super egos in the room and maneuver the world's destiny to either peaceful resolution or total annihilation.

Meet the director

Andrej Gontcharov


Screenplay: Andrej Gontcharov
Director of Photography: Julian Landweer
Film Editor: Andrej Gontcharov
Sound: Tom Dittrich
Producer: David Keitsch