Film - Program 1 Filmfest 2016


Directed by Sophie Linnenbaum


Director: Sophie Linnenbaum
Section: Program 1
Country: Germany
Year: 2016
Language: German
Version: Original version with English subtitles
Cast: Jonas Laux, Elisa Plüss, Veronika Nowag-Jones, Heiko Pinkowski, Alessija Lause, Rafael Gareisen, Bastian Sierich, Dela Dabulamanzi
18+ (no age rating)

Also in this program



It began in childhood sometime: Paul was loved by his family, but then pushed more and more to the side, literally: To the edge of the screen, until he fell out for good. Now, he just hopes not to fall out of line anymore–and not to be alone anymore. Then Paul meets the Outtakes, people like him who suffer from film defects and help each other in a support group. One of them is pretty Hanna, who's always on screen, whether she wants to be or not. Opposites attract, but how can Paul and Hanna get together if he's always off screen and she's always on?

  • Duration: 18 Min.

  • Film School: FUB, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Meet the director


Sophie Linnenbaum

Sophie Linnenbaum was born in Nuremberg in 1986. She studied Psychology, wrote plays for kids, and has been shooting short films since 2009; her short doc UND DANN...? won the Bavarian Youth Film Prize 2012. She enrolled to study directing at Babelsberg Film School Konrad Wolf in October 2013. Her latest film [OUT OF FRA]ME premiered at the Max Ophüls Prize 2016.


Screenplay: Sophie Linnenbaum
Director of Photography: Janine Pätzold
Film Editor: Nikoline Logstrup
Composer: Jesse Braverman
Production Designer: Fion Jasper Hoppmann
Costume Design: Julia Kneusels, Katrin Wolfermann
Sound: Tobias Festag
Producer: Melanie Schichan, Cristina Marx