Freundeskreis Wolfgang Längsfeld e.V.

Laengsfeld Logo Neu

Without Wolfgang Längsfeld, FILMSCHOOLFEST MUNICH would not exist. The former professor at the HFF Munich founded the International Festival of Film Schools in 1981, creating an opportunity for film students from all over the world to show their films to an international audience and to network with each other beyond national borders and political state forms.

"Lä", as Wolfgang Längsfeld was called by everyone, loved an "unmistakable independence" in films. Former students and companions of "Lä" would like to carry on this idea after his death and thus also support young filmmakers. For this reason, the Freundeskreis Wolfgang Längsfeld e.V. has been awarding a prize for the most original film since 2012.


03 Statue Copyright Margrét Run
RH0 8521

It is important to us that a film has something to say.  Emotional, exciting, entertaining, facilitating insight, and with an independence that is unmistakable.