Film - HFF/M Filmfest 2013



Section: HFF/M
Country: Germany
Year: 2013
Version: Original version
18+ (no age rating)



Lotus - König Ludwig, Directed by Philipp Escobar
Autoscout 24-Die Konkurrenten, Directed by Claas Ortmann, Production: Walker&Worm
Euflor-Toupet, Directed by Carmen Stüllenberg, Production: 4gewinnt (Hannah Maag)
Weihnachten - Thank You Third World, Directed by Jessica Benzing, Maximilian Gerlach, Production: Voilá Film
Karamel - Ben&Jerrys, Directed by Claas Ortmann, Production: Walker&Worm
Dein Raum - Moleskin, Directed by Arbia Magdalena Said, Production Said&Kruse
Ben&Jerrys, Directed by Claas Ortmann, Production: Walker&Worm
Nicht für Jeden - TAZ (Teil 1) , Directed by Jens Junker, Philip Haucke, Production Drife Productions
Surfer - Sex Wax, Directed by Bernie Burgmeier, Production: Jam Film (Lena Arens, Johannes v. Kirschbaum)
Nicht für Jeden - TAZ (Teil 2) , Directed by Jens Junker, Philip Haucke – Production Drife Productions
Ohren – Tesa, Directed by Toni Nottebohm, Production: left handed film
Freund im Schrank – McDonald‘s, Directed by Eva Zillekens, Production: NeueSuper
Automat – Geldkarte, Directed by Jens Junker, Production: Walker&Worm
Keine Gegenfrage – McDonald‘s (Teil 1) , Directed by Friedrich Wittich, Production: Drife Productions
Fernrohr – Geldkarte, Directed by Jens Junker, Production: Walker&Worm
Gun - Billy Boy, Directed by Stephan Hilpert, Production: Neue Super
Keine Gegenfrage – McDonald‘s (Teil 2), Directed by Friedrich Wittich, Production: Drife Productions
Der Bär – Bärenmarke, Directed by Henning Patzner, Production Drife Productions
McDonald‘s - Keine Gegenfrage (Teil 3) , Directed by Friedrich Wittich, Production: Drife Productions
Die Taufe – Augustiner, Directed by Anja Bentzin, Production: Drife Productions
Coming Out – LeTra, Directed by/Production: Satu Siegemund
Kleine Schwester / Schöller, Directed by Eva Zillekens, Production: Drife Productions
Astra – Gefängnis, Directed by Friedrich Wittich – Production: Drife Productions
Hadi-Mini – Mini, Directed by Baran Odar, Production: Lüthje&Schneider
Berlinale GmbH/Mc-Kinsey Quietsch, Directed by Baran Odar, Production: Jantje Friese-Filmproduction
Individualisten – Filmkunst und Programmkinos, Directed by Christian Ditter, Production: Christian Neu, Carmen Stozek
Jogger – Phonak, Directed by Philip Escobar Jung, Production: NEUE SUPER
Straße – Internationales Festival der Filmhochschulen, Directed by Thomas Herberth, Production: NEUE SUPER
Pubs – Lefax, Directed by/Production: Satu Siegemund
Feld - Internationales Festival der Filmhochschulen, Directed by Thomas Herberth, Production: NEUE SUPER
Nachtschicht / Nescafé Xpress, Directed by Enno Reese, Production: Neos Film
The Making of Bifi, Directed by Emil Hye-Knudsen
BMW Kosmos, Directed by Florian Borkamp, Production: NEUE SUPER
No Liquids – König Ludwig Dunkel, Directed by Ileana Cosmovici, Production: Walker&Worm
Steg - Asthmafia, Directed by Jan Linnartz, Max Mayer, Production: Ivory Productions
Der verrückte Laden, Directed by Claas Orthmann, Production: NEUE SUPER
Ape - Asthmafia, Directed by Jan Linnartz, Max Mayer, Production: Ivory Productions
OCB – Roll O`Matic, Directed by Judith Westermann, Production: Von Herzen / Matthias Brod
HB Grantler, Directed by Philip Koch, Production: Neue Super
American Apparell, Directed by Claudia Heindel, Production: Said & Kruse
HB Surfer, Directed by Philip Koch, Production: Neue Super
HFF München - Mission 1, Directed by Mirjam Orthen Production: NEUE SUPER
I Miev – Mitsubishi, Directed by Stephan Hilpert, Production: NEUE SUPER
HFF München - Mission 2, Directed by Mirjam Orthen, Production: NEUE SUPER
Eismädchen – Klimawandel, Directed by Florian Borkamp, Production: NEUE SUPER
Gamer - Intel Core 2, Directed by Christopher Keimel, Production: Drife Productions
HFF München - Mission 3, Directed by Mirjam Orthen, Production: NEUE SUPER
Roscosmos 1-3 - Lada Niva, Directed by Florian Friedrich Dünzen, Production: Florian Friedrich Dünzen
Ericson Mobiltelefon, Directed by Jessica Benzing, Max Gerlach, Production: Kronk
It is love „Eifersucht“ – Mini, Directed by Lutz von Sicherer, Production: Lutz von Sicherer
Nur im Original Genial – Constantin Film, Directed by Florian Borkamp, Production: NEUE SUPER
Jump – HFF München, Directed by Lennart Ruff, Production: Walker& Worm
Children Deserve Love, Directed by Anna-Katharina Maier, Production: maas film
Kulesow Expermient – Internationales Festival der Filmhochschulen, Directed by Benedikt Schwarzer, Production: K&K Film
It is love „Happy Birthday“ – Mini, Regie/Production: Lutz von Sicherer
Hope – Avis, Directed by Lennart Ruff, Production: rovolution film
Bulls Eye – Kraft, Directed by Claas Orthmann, Production: NEUE SUPER
The Sense of Toshiba, Directed by Jan Linnartz, Max Mayer, Production: Ivory Productions
Puma, Directed by Jan Linnartz, Max Mayer, Production: Ivory Productions
Heimatlos – Günztal, Directed by Florian Borkamp, Production: NEUE SUPER
Vorwerk Ladies, Directed by Anna-Katharina Maier, Production: maas film
Blaskapelle – Berufsbildungsmesse 2012, Directed by Olav Wehling, Production: fire apple films