Film - Specials Filmfest 2023



Section: Specials
OT: Programme en français
Language: French
Version: Original version with English subtitles
18+ (no age rating)


Que révèle le destin des autres sur nous-mêmes? C‘est autour de cette question que semble graviter la programmation des courts-métrages francophones lorsqu’elle nous présente trois personnages hors du commun: un punk perdu, un croque-mort au grand cœur et une traductrice en plein dilemme.

Three short French-language films are being shown in this program. In the Belgian film BEHIND THE GLASS, a punk named Glenn meets the inmates of a psychiatric hospital and finds that he has more in common with them than he might care to admit. Also from Belgium is ALLÉGRESSE, a dark comedy in which a mortician named Serge has to look after his daughter at short notice; with his latest “client” in a cocoa can under his arm, the two of them go in search of a spot to give the ashes a decent burial. THE VOICE OF OTHERS, the French entry in this program, introduces the audience to Rim’s life. This Tunisian woman is a translator at asylum hearings, where she witnesses how many cases fail because of minor wrong answers. Here, too, directors will be attending and available to talk to.

Nous nous réjouissons de votre visite!

BEHIND THE GLASS feature film, 21 min. (Program 8)
ALLÉGRESSE feature film, 19 min. (Program 6)
THE VOICE OF OTHERS feature film, 30 min. (Program 9)

This program is for all native speakers, language enthusiasts, language learners, and anyone who loves the sound of the French language. All of the films will be shown in their original language with English subtitles.