Also in this program
Poland in the 1990s: in a deeply religious country experiencing high unemployment, creative solutions are needed if one wants to get ahead. And so a nameless young man has developed a very lucrative business model: disguised as the devil, he roams the countryside, which the film captures in atmospheric, grainy images. This deceitful Beelzebub “forgives” devout pensioners their sins one after another for a small fee, until one day a widow refuses to go along with his scheme.
- Duration: 19 min.
Meet the director
Jan Bujnowski
Jan Bujnowski is a graduate of the film directing program at the National Polish Film School in Łódź. He is currently a doctoral student. He also studied journalism and art history at the University of Warsaw. His short films TIME MACHINE, THE CROSSWORD, THE OLYMPIAN, and DEVIL have been screened at festivals in more than 30 countries around the world.